Reflections on the entrepreneurial journey

by on December 7, 2011

Reflections and gratitude on your entrepreneurial journeyRecently, a mentor of mine sent me a note congratulating me on my progress with my business.

It was a good reminder to take a moment and reflect on my journey. All of us entrepreneurs should do this once in a while.

So, let’s do a super short  little meditation shall we? Whether you started your biz yesterday, or have been an entrepreneur for years, this is an exercise for anyone.

My beautiful friend Rya (yoga teacher and trainer extraordinaire) did a similar moment of reflection before a power yoga class in Whistler a few weekends back. I’ve adjusted it with a biz focus.

Sit comfortably. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes if you like.

Reflect back to when you started your small business or when you decided to take the plunge.

Think about how you felt back then. How hard it all seemed. How much work there was ahead of you. A website to build. Social media profiles to set up. Customers to find. Maybe you were scared, overwhelmed, anxious. Remember those feelings.

Fast forward to today. Think about where you are now and how far you have come. All the incredible progress you’ve made. Appreciate it. Express your gratitude.

Know that you can do this.

Know that you already are.

Know that where your business is at this very moment is exactly where it should be. Every step in your journey is perfect; the so-called “good” and the “bad”.

We’re always so focused on where we are going. What our goals are. What we want to accomplish. Taking the time to reflect on where you’ve been and how far you’ve come is a powerful practice to bring the dimensions of gratitude and love to your business.

And remember, the only step that you can ever take happens in the present moment.

I feel so incredibly blessed that all of you have made me a part of your magical journey of entrepreneurship. Thank you.


Comments, likes and tweets are always appreciated! Did I mention that I LOVE your feedback?

Image: Sura Nualpradid /

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Felice Lam December 17, 2011 at 1:39 am

Thanks for sharing. Meditation is key and ought to be a mandatory daily activity no matter wether you are an entrepreneur or not. Cheers!


Martina December 17, 2011 at 10:50 am

I couldn’t agree more! Thanks for the comment Felice 🙂


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