Do you “Take the Stairs?” – book review

by on June 27, 2012

Take the StairsWhen I was asked to review Rory Vaden’s book Take the Stairs – 7 Steps to Achieving True Success, I was all over it. I love learning about productivity and getting inspired to take my small business to the next level. Keep reading to get a peek into some of the juicy topics Rory covers…

Ditch the quick fix mentality

Take the Stairs is all about empowering you to bring discipline into you life to enjoy the success you so desire. Nothing comes easy, despite our society’s obsession with the quick fix.

As small business owners, we know what it’s like to hate some of the things we have to do. To not want to get out of bed in the morning. But to succeed in business, you have to keep on going through those rough patches. To keep your eye on the prize.

Rory discusses the perils of always taking the easy way out. And the easy way out quick fixes are rampant.

Just take internet marketing for example…

  • Buying Facebook fans instead working to build an engaged audience organically.
  • Using an SEO services company to buy links and get your website URL blasted over any and any website, instead of working to build your own genuine search marketing foundation.
  • Opting for cheap article marketing services instead of creating your own valuable content.

There are so many ways you can cut corners, but as with these examples, they can often backfire or offer no real lasting value.

Stay focused in the present to reap future rewards

Another part of the philosophy in the book I resonated with is our obsession with the future and seeming inability to enjoy the present moment. Bring beauty into the now always – that’s a philosophy that I have been really trying to embody for the last few months since I got back from a spirituality workshop in Florida.

In business this translates into focusing on what you are doing in the present moment. Think about how you’re improving your skills, growing and learning. Don’t obsess so much about the end result, it will take care of itself. And if things don’t turn out quite exactly as you would have expected them to, you won’t feel like what you did was a waste. You’ve got an awareness and an appreciation for the process going on. You start to value the journey and see every step as a crucial lesson.

I’ve always disliked the word failure. In my mind, there ain’t no such thing.

The procrastination pixie is always ready to play

Rory also discusses sacrifice and urges you to tackle your problems head on. Yes, avoiding them might give you some short term relief, but avoidance leads to stress. Better to just check them off that to-do list. Ignore and tame that negative little voice, get on it and conquer what needs to be done.

“Procrastination is one of the most expensive visible costs in business today.” – Rory Vaden

He also talks about how we can become obsessed with waiting for the “perfect” time to do something. It will never come. There will always be an excuse ready to propel you down the path of procrastination. Rory suggests to stop worrying so much about the right decision and instead focus on making the decision right. Shift from “should I” to “how will I”. The book sets you up with a mind-set that will get you roaring to go each day.

The above are just a few of the topics that Rory touches on. He also encourages you to be fully committed – instead of playing the victim, take accountability for what comes into your life and into your small business. And don’t forget keeping that positivity gushing. Have faith in what you’re doing. Love what you’re doing. All the good will flow from there.

Add intention into the equation

One thing I felt I wanted to add to the mix was the idea of intention. The intention behind the action will affect the outcome. Focusing on being helpful to people has more power than focusing on material things such as more money or a fancy car.

“Once you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life.” – Rory Vaden

Rory emphasizes self-discipline as the crucial key to success. I personally think that intention must come above all else. Working your ass off for the wrong reasons or to pursue selfish aims will create its own problems. Establish your own personal measure of success – focus on your own well-being and happiness and how what you are doing brings good into your world and that of others. Yes, you could open and run just about any business most likely, but if you make it about money and have no love or passion for the line of work or at least aspects of it, it’s a dark hole to be in.

I also want to add that there are times where things just aren’t right and a chosen path should be abandoned. All the commitment and self-discipline in the world won’t make something that isn’t making you happy worth it. Your greater vision and purpose comes first and then it’s about experimenting along the way until the right path presents itself. FEEL your way to the right.

All in all, I found the book a great read. Rory is a highly experienced entrepreneur who has accomplished some amazing things in his life. He has peppered the book with some nice, touching personal stories (yup, I’m a sap and even shed a few little tears :)), as well as case studies to further drive home what he’s getting at.

It’s not just a business book. It’s an outlook on life book.

You can pick up his book on Amazon if you’re interested in digging in further. Happy reading!

Comments, likes and tweets are always appreciated! Did I mention that I LOVE your feedback?

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

trixie brown July 20, 2012 at 12:11 am

Business is like an stairs because you start from the bottom to rich the top, but some it’s hard to go higher because there is so many challenges in our life.


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