Enrich yourself to reap benefits for your biz

by on April 9, 2012

Siesta Key Beach

Just returned from a wonderful holiday down in Sarasota, Florida. I actually went for a wellness workshop – meditation, developing personal power, gratitude, love and all that other good stuff. Absolutely nothing to do with business. Or marketing.

As small business owners, we can tend to get rather over invested in our businesses, can’t we? Where every little thing becomes about the biz. We’ve already talked about how that mind frame can cause problems, forcing us to keep our nose to the grindstone, even in those situations where it’s time for a break  .

The same translates to where we decide to funnel our earnings. Ever feel guilty about spending money on something strictly for yourself, thinking that it may have been better spent on something business related such as hiring a marketing consultant or picking up some much needed business training?

It’s important not to abandon your personal development in favour of business development. The quality of your life on a personal level directly feeds into the quality of your business. Keep on learning and growing, and remember that YOU are just as MORE important than your business. Love yourself first. All other good things will flow from there.

The key takeaways from my workshop?

Bring beauty in to the now, no matter what the present moment may hold + integrity in thought and action.

I am now focusing on bringing these qualities into every aspect of my life, whether I’m running errands or running my biz.

Do you struggle with finding balance between your personal life and your business? How does your personal life affect your small business? Would love to hear about your experiences in the comments!

Comments, likes and tweets are always appreciated! Did I mention that I LOVE your feedback?

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